Our focus areas are:
Early Childhood Care and Education
Children aged 0-5 years are nurtured and learning at age-appropriate levels.
Youth Employment
Youth aged 15-29 have sustainable employment and improved income and quality of life.
Why Early Childhood Care and Education
Global evidence suggests that from birth to five years of age is a remarkable brain development phase for young children and represents a crucial window of opportunity for education and growth. When children are healthy, safe, and learning well in their early years, they are better able to reach their full potential as adults and participate effectively in economic, social, and civic life. Despite the growing interest in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), young children, and particularly those from vulnerable and underserved communities are lacking access to equitable and quality ECCE.
By investing in early childhood care and education, we can nurture brighter futures and amplify the contributions of young minds to a country’s socio-economic prosperity. With this comprehension, the Lorinet Foundation has deliberately chosen to invest in the underprivileged children of Mongolia.
Why Youth Employment
In today’s world that has the largest youth generation in human history, the issue of youth unemployment is a big challenge that most developing countries face. Without stable income, youth find themselves in abject poverty; the longer they remain unemployed, the higher is the risk for them to face social exclusion as well as decline in emotional, mental, and physical health. There are significant social and economic costs of youth unemployment and economic inactivity on individuals and families, and on present and future national and global prosperity.
Drawing from our experience and recognising the importance of supporting youth in their transition from education to employment, the Foundation supports the development of skills and capabilities of disadvantaged youth in Mongolia.
Why Mongolia
Mongolia, the “Land of the Blue Sky,” is a vast and captivating country nestled between China and Russia. Known for its breath-taking landscapes, from the boundless Gobi Desert to the majestic Altai Mountains, Mongolia boasts a rich cultural heritage deeply rooted in nomadic traditions. The iconic Mongolian “ger,” a traditional and portable dwelling, represents the heart of nomadic life.
Despite its vast expanse, comparable in size to Western Europe, Mongolia is home to a relatively small population of 3.4 million, sparsely distributed with just two people per square kilometre.
At the heart of Mongolia’s economy lies an abundance of mineral wealth, with coal, copper, gold as primary exports. These resources have attracted significant foreign investment but have also subjected the country to economic volatility and given rise to numerous socio-economic disparities, particularly impacting education, healthcare, and employment sectors and affecting nomadic herders and rural communities the most.
Mongolia’s nomadic heritage remains an integral element of its identity, with over a third of the population still engaged in traditional herding practices. Striking a balance between nomadic traditions and modern advancements presents a complex challenge. Urbanisation is on the rise, and the capital, Ulaanbaatar has witnessed rapid growth, now home to nearly half of the country’s population. Notably, around 60% of Ulaanbaatar’s residents live in traditional gers. These urban transitions have brought a unique set of challenges, including but not limited to housing shortages, air pollution, unemployment, and poverty.
Over the past three decades, Mongolia has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving into a vibrant democracy with rapid economic growth. The country has made significant progress in reducing poverty and improving well-being, but this growth has been uneven, failing to benefit everyone equally.
Mongolia’s rich culture, unique challenges, and incredible potential make it an exciting and vital focus for our philanthropic efforts and offer an intriguing socio-economic landscape for those committed to making a positive impact.
Our Approach – “Practice to Policy”

- Social Investment – By ensuring robust grant management and enabling conditions for scale and sustainability of our programmes.
- Advancing Knowledge – By gathering evidence of what works on the ground and curating and disseminating knowledge.
- Strengthening Ecosystem – By bringing like-minded stakeholders together and building awareness and capacities.
- Mobilising Capital – By partnering with other funders, forging dynamic alliances, and fostering a collaborative environment.
- Policy Engagement – By disseminating evidence of our work, leveraging existing system, and engaging in policy consultations.
Sustainable Development Goals
At the Lorinet Foundation we align ourselves with the Sustainable Development Goals and seek to make positive contribution towards solving some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

SDG 4: Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
Our contribution: OneSky Mongolia, the Asia Foundation Mongolia, OneSky Vietnam, KOTO, WWF Mongolia, Children Ger, Edukasyon.ph, Bookbridge, REACH, Prodigy Finance, Pioneering Venture Philanthropy Fund, Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF), Mongolia

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Our contribution: Pioneer Facility Fund – South-East Asia

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Our contribution: Pioneer Facility Fund – South-East Asia, Gree New Energy – Indonesia

SGD 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Our contribution: Zorig Foundation, World Vision – Mongolia, KOTO, REACH, Pioneering Venture Philanthropy Fund, Social Impact Guarantee, Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF), Mongolia

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Our contribution: The Plug-in