Lorinet Foundation is honoured to receive the AmCham CSR Award 2023 for Innovation, recognising our collaborative efforts in supporting the ‘Let’s Read Mongolia’ programme, implemented by the Asia Foundation Mongolia. This esteemed acknowledgement validates our steadfast commitment to creating meaningful impact in the communities we are serving.
AmCham Mongolia introduced the CSR Excellence Awards in 2022 to honour corporate initiatives driving inclusive growth and sustainable development in Mongolia. This year, 15 member organisations nominated 19 projects across Leadership, Innovation, and Sustainability categories. The judging panel comprised representatives from the UK and US embassies, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Our partnership with The Asia Foundation on ‘Let’s Read Mongolia’ programme aims to promote reading as a critical tool for early childhood education. The programme aims to have a measurable impact on Grade 1 literacy‑numeracy outcomes, children’s interest in reading, and the number of parents reading to their children daily. For detailed programme information, click here.
We are profoundly humbled by AmCham Mongolia and its community’s recognition of our philanthropic efforts. The Award serves as a catalyst, motivating us to continue our efforts and leverage it as a platform to advance our work in Mongolia.