“The vulnerable communities in ger districts in Ulaanbaatar have been hit hardest by Covid-19 pandemic. Even prior to Covid-19 these families were struggling to make ends meet on daily basis, but pandemic resulted in additional strain in terms of lost jobs, income, children’s education and family violence to cite a few. While our programs that support jobs and livelihoods in ger communities continued to run, we decided to provide additional emergency support in food, sanitary and school supplies. We are grateful to World Vision for making this happen on the ground” says Bolor, Lorinet Foundation’s board member.

Poor and vulnerable communities in the Ger districts of Ulaanbaatar were identified as hotspots for food security and risk of malnutrition by our partner World Vision Mongolia. These communities were already chronically food insecure before the COVID-19 crisis impacted movement and incomes, and where we had been supporting World Vision’s ‘Young Family Livelihood Improvement’ program.
Lorinet Foundation, in partnership with World Vision Mongolia had to quickly shift to emergency response in supporting most in-need children and their families during this crisis and provided emergency food and sanitation packages to 1000 households in Ger Districts, and “back-to-school” supplies to 1000 school aged children.